Tartaric acid is made from calcium tartrate, (the calcium salt of tartaric acid) obtained during complex processing of the by-products of winemaking. The users of high-purity tartaric acid in accordance with international pharmacopoeias are mainly pharmaceutical factories, but the food industry and the construction industry also use a significant amount of tartaric acid. A significant proportion of the product is sold on the domestic market. Tartaric acid (C4H6O6) was discovered in 1769 by Carl Scheele. It occurs in nature, mostly in grapes.

Our company produces the calcium salt of natural tartaric acid from winemaking by-products (grape marc, wine lees, pressed lees, tartar). There are three isomers of tartaric acid: dextro (L+), levo (D-), meso, of which dextro is the natural one, which rotates the plane of polar light to the right. It is packaged in a 25 kg paper bag with foil. It must be stored in a dry, cool, moisture-free place.

The product meets the requiremets of the following pharmacopoeia:

PH.EUR.X – F.U.XII – U.S.P. XLIII-NF38 – F.C.C.XII – J.P. XVII – REG(UE) N.231/2012